02 January 2013

Check in for the new year

I have been silent for a while, living in family out there and living in poems in here, mostly posting them at Susan's Poetry and on Facebook.  I answer letters, respond to comments, and sit down for way too many hours in the day.

I have made two decisions based in the past year's experience which some may call New Year's Resolutions:  (1) boldly write about what I have been silent about, and (2) make sure to have an "artist's date" at least once a week.  The latter is from Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, a book I worked with almost 20 years ago. I plan to combine walking with seeing places in Philadelphia that I haven't seen: museums, parks, stores, riverside sites and more.  I started with a Pendle Hill retreat over New Year's eve and day.

One writing word-shop ended in December and another begins next week. There, my mentor Alison Hicks encourages the growth of my novel The Storyteller and I plan to bring in pages for the other writers in the workshop to read.  No longer shy about writing, liking my chapters, seeing the conflicts and plots grow--I am amazed to be insider to what is for me an extremely slow process.  V e r y  slow.

That's all for now, folks.  



  1. Hi Audrey!

    I am so glad you stopped by! I try to write once a week, but--as you can see--I have already failed that this year. I like to think here. At Real Toads, though, we are writing collaborative poems and much of my thinking has gone into a pen-pal connection Hannah and I are trying just to get to know each other. It's hard to collaborate without that or at least sharing an issue. Maybe I'll write about that next.


I'd love to have a dialogue with you. I moderate comments, so you won't see yours immediately.