04 January 2014

The Madiba Poem by 11-year-old Botlhale Boikanyo

Here is one of the three reasons I stick with Facebook: friends spontaneously pass forward what moves them.  This amazing video came to me via poet Kay Davies who blogs at An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel.  She got it from Femi Oke who I see at Upworthy where she introduces herself: 
I’m an Al Jazeera journalist and broadcaster who’d love to show you around the globe. No passport needed because I’m going to curate the world for you. I’ll even let you keep your shoes on and drink 16 oz. sodas while following me on Facebook and Twitter.
From these social network beginnings, The Madiba Poem arrived here.  Later this year, I will use it for a poem prompt at Poets United where I have recently joined the creative team.  You could begin your poem now, as poet Botlhale Boikanyo or her poem or her performance or Nelson Mandela or any part of it inspires you.

Look at her smile
performing her poem
loving Mandiba's story.
Listen to her voice
turning two languages
into rivers that flow
into the human sea
part of which is me.
I want to rush out the door
with a magic marker
to write everywhere
Witness God Here.
God is Here, where
each of us stands.
Let us greet God here.


  1. Oh my freaking God! This made me cry, made my chest burst with - love - made me hope SHE is one day South Africa's first woman President. It could happen. Susan, thank you. I am SO GLAD I didnt miss this!!!!!!!!

  2. This is wonderful, Susan, seeing the story of this wonderful young girl go from me to you, to the rest of the Toads. And I love the effect it had on Sherry...I still haven't met Sherry, but we share many of the same reactions, having grown up at the same time in the same BC town but attending different schools.
    Thanks for alerting me to your blog post (although I hope I'd have arrived there eventually).
    Love, K

  3. Susan, I am right now first finding time to view this video. Thank you for sending the link to me. It is truly amazingly beautiful. That young girl has such a large spirit and a big heart. Truly a wonderful performance, and I hope that she goes on to WIN the competition!


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