My Quaker Friends and I are beginning to think reparations, and finding ways to give back. This does not have to do with guilt, but the fact of owning and earning things because they were taken from Native Americans and African Americans who did not have the same access to owner-ship and earning-ship that I have had. In other words, quite literally, this is not mine, and if nothing more, it should be at least shared.
For me it's a spiritual quest just to understand. For example, I've been thinking of giving my house and its land back to the Lenni Lenape who live in this area, but I realize that I invested my money here so I could sell the house and use the money to move in to an "old folks' home." I've actually been looking at them. A residence costs the full value of my house up front, and I will have it to pay if I sell my house. But should I have this option from stolen land? Are there other ways of growing old and being cared for when a person (me) doesn't have children? My Mom is still in her house at age 97, but my brother lives nearby.
You get the train of thought. It's eye-opening to think of how I might/could live differently. I've been actively contributing to African-American people in need, as well, because I can. I don't have much, but what I have to spare will be better used by others. I do not think of the money once it is out of my hands. And few know about this activity of mine. (Well, any readers here now know, but I think I only have three readers.)
What I discovered today is that everything I learn has a foundation in things I once knew and had forgotten. Let me use "land-back" as an example. I enjoyed 40 acres of woodland between the ages of 7 and 15, right outside my Grandmother's house. I keep returning to trees as friends, and trees populate my poems. Before I went to Graduate School in California, I was part of the Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice in Romulus, NY, near Lake Seneca, where we said no to the military industrial complex and nuclear bombs. After Grad School, I was right back in the same area. The Cayuga Nation land-claim lawsuit was heating up while I was teaching right there at Wells College in Aurora, NY. I heard some people I worked with and created theatre with saying that if they were asked to leave their homes, they would sit on their porches with rifles. I've heard since that the lawsuit was won, then lost. I don't know where it is now. Have any of these people asked the Cayuga Nation what it wants?
I am donating money to support Water Watchers trying to stop petroleum pipelines from destroying the crops and water of Indigenous land. Donating to those who help elders survive through long winters by providing food and healing herbs and protein. Showing up for Black Lives Matter whenever I can, and continuing to support Black efforts for justice and for healing in the face of prison systems and white body supremacy. Thinking about how to live, now that I am retired on both pension and social security. Examining how to help pass legislation that would help all people have homes, food, water, and healthcare.
Thinking about what's next. The life of our planet may be waning, but we'll all have more chance of survival if Indigenous and Black and Brown and women's and children's intelligences are finally in the mix.
There are friends, family, cultures we each know, and then there are those strange to each other. But as Valerie Kaur says from her source in Sikh wisdom, there is no stranger, only those who do not yet know each other. The work now is to get close enough to know and unite and move on to Just and Peaceful Days (Beloved community) in the many projects of healing, repairing, reparation-ing--you know--all of it.
This is so thought-provoking, Susan. What if everyone thought like this? Wouldnt it be amazing. We do need to find ways to look after ourselves in our old age. But I love the giving back that you do, in so many directions. I LOVE that you quote Valerie Kaur, one of my very favourite heroines.