27 May 2020

Wednesday Morning Free Writing with earthweal

earthweal weekly challenge: PROTEST IN A TIME OF PANDEMIC  Posted on


  1. Brendan here - What a great mix of present and remembrance, the past eclisping our moment leaving this bite-size hole of a world still poorly understood and worse remedied. (Killer, killer end to your poem.) I remember something of the same moment, '74 for me, Western college campus, western light western pines & CSNY blaring from dorm window speakers as we traversed the quad so full of yearning and not knowing shit about the real teeth of it. If I only knew back then that what money earns is what those afternoons so easily and casually burned, with protest songs and dope. (I got there late.) This pandemic is a sop of vinegar showing who we still truly are. Thanks so for writing it.

  2. Wow, Susan, this took me back..........the early 1970's was a watershed time for me. We were a generation of dreamers, I am not sure how we wound up in the present nightmare. "We build things to kill people but we walk in space." The blatant racism of that policeman's knee on the man's neck - no effort to hide, emboldened by the current climate - these are scary times. The "protesters" with assault rifles on the state steps being deemed "good people", while those protesting the murder of an African American by a police officer, were met with tear gas and force. What is wrong with this picture? Absolutely everything. How will we ever draw back from this now we have tipped over the edge of civility? It's not like the racists and white supremacists will go back into hiding, now they are out. So glad to read your thoughts today. Remembering how we dreamed, back then, before everyone we loved got assassinated, and capitalism took over the earth, could make me weep.

  3. Wow! You've made history breathe & how everyone's a part of it. And a glimpse of a world, in different time and space is not at all unfamiliar! Oppression and and protest will walk hand in hand. We will have both darkness and light at the same time. This may be is way of the world.


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